Tommaso Reato
Teacher trainer

in 1984 Tommaso is a trainer in formal and non formal education contexts. He attended philosophy studies at Padova and Venezia University and, after graduation, he deepen the field of learning and teaching, especially about experiential leaning and outdoor education (Via Experientia and Bologna University). Tommaso works as freelance trainer with organizations of profit and no profit sector, focusing on different learning areas as soft skills development, leadership and communication competencies, conflict management. The strong passion with nature and the idea of the value of outdoor education carry Tommaso to found Corte Carezzabella and Vendül, two organizations specifically focused on the development of outdoor learning in the north of Italy. He is the director of an outdoor kindergarten and the coordinator of many learning projects involving adolescent and adults, in cooperation with other organizations and institution of local community.
He loves work with groups of people of different ages and to carry on research projects in cooperation with university.
For 10 years Tommaso was an international rugby player and now he is a busy husband and father of three daughters and one son.