Angela Sofia is a Psychologist of Education and Co-founder of Unicorni Team, a collective of creative designers that develop resource and learning experiences that supports CreatiVe Learning through coding, making and tinkering.
Since 2015 she’s a STEAM / maker education freelance consultant, she has designed, planned and implemented digital ateliers spaces as well as coding making and robotics school, after-school and summer camps curricula in Italy.
Angela is adjunct professor for Lab-based courses in CS and Educational Technologies at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, School of Education. One of the twenty 2016-2017 Stanford FabLearn Fellow.
She is also a proud mentor of CoderDojo Bologna, CoderDojo is a worldwide movement of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs helping kids from 8 to 18 to express their creativity through digital technologies.